Parent Corner

Nutrition Policy

Ms. Hunter’s Precious Angels Child Care Center will be participating in Ohio Healthy Food Program (OHP) provides training, technical assistance, and designation to early care and education (ECE) professionals to create healthy eating and activity environments in ECE settings. OHP is a five-part voluntary designation program that is available for all ECE programs across the state, including center-based and family care settings. The overall goal of OHP is to deliver consistent messaging to adults who care for children aged 0-5 years to prevent obesity in early childhood and reduce risk of physical and mental health problems in childhood and adulthood. This is done through encouraging healthy eating and physical activity, and modifying screen time behaviors. Ms. Hunter’s Precious Angels Child Care Center will be providing whole grain snacks and eliminating fried and pre-fried foods. For more information please visit Ohio Healthy Programs | Ohio Department of Health. Effective 9/21/23

Family Style Meals 

Mealtime is a social affair at Ms. Hunter’s Precious Angels Child Care Center. This is an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with small groups. During meal time children learn table manners and skills used at mealtime, such as passing food, serving themselves, and using a napkin and utensils properly. Children are learning to estimate their hunger level by serving themselves. 

Food Experiences 

Children may be reluctant to try new foods. Studies show it takes 7-10 times for a child to acquire a taste for something new and different. While no child is ever forced to eat or to clean their plate, they are encouraged to try a bite of the different foods on their plate. Parents are often surprised that their child will eat foods at school that they refuse to eat at home. Often it can be seeing other children try a large variety of  new and different foods in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. We are committed to providing your child with safe and healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.


Parents express a desire to bring treats to the program on their child’s birthday. Here at Ms. Hunter’s Precious Angels we ask for you to bring non-edible treats such as stickers, pencils, erasers and bubbles. 

Meals and Snacks

 Parents will provide lunch until further notice. 

  • Food will be stored safely with child’s name and the date daily (will be refrigerated if needed) 

  • Nutritional information will be provided to parents 

  • Center will have sealed/individual supplemental foods available 

  • Center will provide fluid milk if not provided by parent 

  • No foods will be served on bare tables 

  • All eating utensils and dishes are suitable for the development level and age of the children 

Handwashing, masks, hand sanitation and gloves are required at all times while handling food and snacks. 

*No food will be provided from the center until further notice and upon completion of kitchen area and other requirements completed at a later date* 

Healthy Tips for Picky Eaters 

Healthy Eating Tips for Preschoolers 

School-Aged Nutrition  

Safety & Wellness

Ms. Hunter's Precious Angels institutes proper cleaning and germ care procedures throughout our program.

This includes:

  • Daily wash down of all physical contact items with antibacterial soap and sprays. Including door handles, bathroom sinks and toilets, chairs, tables and toys. 
  • Staff makes sure that all bed linens, pillows and blankets are washed and cleaned to help prevent the spread of germs. germs. 
  • Staff follow a strict hand washing and sanitization schedule in addition to facial coverings due to COVID-19 

Additional Resources - Click to review resources 

Food Pantries 
Positive Parenting Program 
2021 Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

© Ms Hunters Precious Angels Child Care Center